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Why can antibodies be the cause of hypertension or high blood pressure?

Updated 15/02/2025

When leukocytes release antibodies, they paralyze the virus, so that it remains motionless, in front of the leukocytes to neutralize the virus.

But this effect of the antibody could stop a mass of gases, which is like the spider web of the virus, which leaves chromosomes inactive, blocking genes because they cannot inhale that mass of air blocked by the antibody, causing a rise in blood pressure within minutes, until the antibody is dissolved or ingested by the leukocyte with the virus.

When the antibody disappears, blood pressure stabilizes again and more chromosomes can be modified, since when chromosomes are modified for tumors, these release many viruses and the number of antibodies shoots up, which raises blood pressure and the body no longer allows more chromosomes to be modified with unfavorable blood pressure.

Viruses could move through gaseous particles by force of attraction or they could contain an internal mechanism, like the fin of a fish, which attracts the gaseous particle and creates the movement.

It could be said that the macrophage or defense of the smallest organism, could be designed to deworm the red blood cells of antigens or antibodies, since when these gaseous quantities are scarce, the antigens remain stuck to the red blood cells and the leukocyte could attack the red blood cell.

Another thing that can happen is that when antibodies are released, the flow or formation of atmospheric gases can be blocked, creating a sensation of little air or atmospheric oxygen or also few atmospheric changes.

Antibodies also affect melanocytes, since when melanocyte genes are blocked by antibodies, the absorption of oxygen for pigmentation is slowed down and gases such as oxygen remain in the blood, so that leukocytes can catch viruses.

If the cell genes were activated, blood pressure would drop and the cell would breathe oxygen for its function, but the virus could enter the cell and the leukocyte could attack cells, which is why it is necessary to clean the blood of viruses.

In the case of psoriasis, where the immune system is still attacking cells and is chronic, it is necessary to block the gene that absorbs the gases through which the virus enters.

In fact, to block the gene, it is not the gene that is involved, but rather two chromosome sequences, and in these sequences, the DNA walls must be changed from left to right, for example, with a twist of the DNA and then the same with the antibody sequence so that the mechanism in the tumor cell coincides and the antibody coincides when the tumor cell does not absorb gases and absorbs gases when there is no antibody. This defect in the chromosome DNA could have been caused by the virus.

It may also happen that if the sequences are inverted and the cell breathes with antibodies in its blood, it may happen that we have the sensation that the atmosphere contains CO2, but it is actually the antibodies that enter the cell.

When viruses infect us, they make folds or twists in DNA and each twist matches the sequences, creating the image you see.

In fact, when the DNA is without twists and smooth, the cells should be fine and the defenses and antibodies that cause hypertension would also decrease. These folds or sequences can be eliminated and the DNA can regenerate the sequence, fitting it together and making the DNA smooth, but viruses do not rest and fold it again.

It may also happen that by eliminating these sequences, which produce folds, the virus can become more violent like a queen bee and can concentrate its infection and cause a non-expanded micro tumor.

When we are not able to remove these folds and we notice that the antibody attacks the tumor cells, or we notice that the antibodies enter the cells, a rocky feeling, it is necessary to change the antigen in the DNA sequence of the chromosome in the DNA of the chromosome, which reproduces the virus, so that the virus comes out mutated with other different antigens and this effect diverts the antibodies from the cells it attacks and from the mutated virus, because by releasing the viruses from the cell, by changing the antigen, the folds in the DNA can be removed and the cell reproduces a new, smooth chromosome, without viruses and without antigens and prepared for new infections that will destroy some leukocytes, which reproduced the antibody that attacked the cell and the virus with the other antigen.

You could say that an aggressive virus injects up to three or four turns in the DNA and this can make quite a few malignant changes to the cell and differentiate it from the rest of the cells in the tissue.

For this virus with four turns in the DNA, it needs three different types of antigens, to reproduce up to three types of mutated and harmless viruses since these three mutations lower the viral load of the queen virus. A more harmless virus only makes two turns and only needs a different antigen if it affects many cells, since the change of antigen recycles the leukocytes and antibodies in the blood that causes hypertension, as long as new DNA is reproduced in chromosomes of many cells.

Sugar has little use for the body’s cells and low levels can greatly improve physical performance, but we must always have sugar in our blood, because if sugar levels drop too low, huge amounts of antibodies could attack the cells or cause antibodies to enter cells, which can cause serious damage. Blood sugar causes antibodies to remain in the blood; this is its main or only function. It is not good for anything else.

It can be said that when we have high blood sugar, it may be because we are surrounded by many infections or it may also be due to our diet, but to eliminate sugars and regulate levels, antigens are needed.

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