Updated 16/01/2025
The planet Earth in the Jurassic period millions of years ago, could have become extinct because of its giant cells, which heated the core of the planet Earth excessively and the crust became volcanic or magmatic or muddy or soft land, due to extreme cold.
It can be said that the dinosaurs had to migrate from planet to planet, in search of a planet, with their measurements, for their cells. A planet with water and larger than the Earth, so that the core of the planet would heat up, but not the crust of the planet.
It could happen that, if humans migrate to a planet smaller than the Earth, it could happen that we would find ourselves in the same situation as the dinosaurs.
It could also happen that a small animal like a bird could survive on a planet smaller than the Earth.
This may be real, but life after death or before birth is a mystery and it could be said that we could travel through space, but without matter that forms cells like minerals and find a planet suitable for life and survival against predators.
Were dinosaurs cowardly or unintelligent? Could we know in the future?
According to the Bible, God made man from the clay of the earth, which was what killed the dinosaurs and thanks to the clay the cells were able to materialize and man separated the water from the clay and the oceans or Noah’s ark were formed. Could this prophecy be true?
Could politics, beliefs or differences alter life and death in its dangers?
One thing that we know about this theory is that, in old age, the cells of our organism can resemble Jurassic cells and the Earth, if we do not steal matter from space, could be swallowed by magma.
Could attracting matter from space and magmatic movements give rise to new life or materialize new species cells?
One could also conclude that if we do not take matter from space, the number of spermatozoa could be reduced or menopause in women could occur because the number of eggs is already decreasing and the earth could cool down and flood with water because there is no new matter to heat the magma of the earth, which could evaporate the sea water and move the moon away from the earth. Or the number of sperm and eggs could also be reduced due to food decisions. Since life deforests life, the earth cools down and food becomes scarce until it reproduces.
The balance of the earth’s magma is what physically lifts us up on the earth and attracts us with force or weight. If the earth’s core cools, the cells rise and we could get lost in space and the earth can move in its orbit, to attract new life or recover the lost cells, which rose and lost their attraction, with the earth and recovering them, could heat the magma and can bring us back to the earth and the earth could regain the orbit.
The weight is the giant cells, which rose and lost attraction with the earth, could take abundant nutrients, such as water, for example, so that when they are deposited on the earth, it has enough water, for the heating of the magma of the earth.
Could politics and more be done, that the new life, clone another planet of the solar system and reduce the load of the cells of life on earth?
This theory may also affect the colour of hair or its melanin. When we eat animals or plants, the earth cools down due to the death of the food and our cells ascend and our organism metabolises the food molecules into calories and the mineral remains, transforming them into melanin, which we lose, because these mineral remains fall from the skin. But these mineral remains or melanin can be attracted by space by the force of attraction of the cells that have ascended, by the deforestation of animals or plants, which we eat and die and their spiritual life can ascend to space like our living cells and attract melanin. Could regenerating the life or reproduction of dead animals and plants attract melanin from space to earth again and reverse white hair?
The more life there is, the more cells there are and the more atmospheric weight or water there is. The less life there is, the more atmospheric weight or water there is, which can slow down the cellular work to adapt the atmosphere to life. If there is more life, the earth would heat up more and resources would be reduced, which slows down cellular work and the cells would produce melanin salts more easily thanks to the loss of water, but this can lead to mental illness.
With this theory we could also come to the conclusion that dinosaurs lacked hair and that hair in humans and animals after the Jurassic period could be related to the separation of water and land. The planet Earth had no oceans and the dinosaurs and their cells heated the planet and the magma released gases that formed water, but not oceans, but the water was not definitively separated from the land, as if it were moistened mud or prehistoric magma and after that Jurassic period, the hair separated the water from the mud and formed the oceans and the current magma.