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Muscle performance in old age.

Updated 11/25/2024.

Muscles feed on carbohydrates, fats, oxygen and hydrogen, and oxygen and hydrogen come out of atmospheric water when it dissolves.

When muscle cells suffocate because they do not receive nutrients, with the help of fat cells, they form depressions or low pressures, which form water so that the blood can absorb fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients, but it has certain mechanisms.

It could be said that, at an advanced age, it is difficult to satisfy oneself with hydrogen and oxygen mainly, because the blood has difficulty supporting nutrients and because viruses such as phages manipulate muscle cells, leaving them defective and causing them to absorb protein that results in the formation of depressions or low pressures, which gives blood properties, to absorb nutrients, for the muscles and all this for the following reasons.

In people with reduced mobility, the skin cells or adipose tissue cells contain fat molecules, which are stored for the muscles, but are not sent to the blood, because the blood cannot support their dissolution and this long-term storage of fats causes changes in the fats, as if they were expiring, and the change can be seen in cells in very old people. This is one cause, but there is another.

Muscles contain cells and some feed on hydrogen and fats and others feed on oxygen and carbohydrates. When the muscle cells run out of nutrients, the fat cells absorb protein and attract the muscle cells, forming depressions or low pressures, but if the muscle cells absorb protein or contain protein, the fat cells do not attract the muscle cells, preventing the formation of blood water or atmospheric water from the oceans.

It could be said that muscle cells attract fat cells from the upper layers of the atmosphere when they absorb protein and attract them to the oceans, where the muscle cells are located and when they suffocate, hydrogen and oxygen come together to form water.

Thanks to fats, some muscle cells retain hydrogen and other muscle cells feed on oxygen and sugars, which expel them. There are two types of muscle cells: those that absorb hydrogen and retain it with fats, and other cells that concentrate oxygen and the magnetic field between cells and the magnetic field between oxygen and hydrogen, which causes contraction, due to the force of attraction of oxygen and hydrogen in the formation of water and sugars, empty some muscle cells of oxygen, so that the muscle relaxes.

If the muscle has difficulty absorbing fats, these cells retain less hydrogen and muscle strength is lower.

Protein in the muscle is like water in a gasoline engine, but it could be caused by viral infections that continue throughout life.

To remedy this effect, chromosomes must be corrected to prevent the entry of protein into the muscle and only allow the entry of fats and carbohydrates.

This article may be very confusing, who would you tell that muscle has no protein! But this confusion may be very old and caused by viruses.