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Gray hair or white hair, melanin and melanocytes.

Updated 17/01/2025

In this video, I show you some of my gray hair.

The hair cells that form the white streak in the transparent video above are gray or pigment-less cells.

Skin cells are the same. Here is a photo of my skin cells, where you can see some transparent cells and others with melanin.

The chromosomes of melanocytes and hair must have sequences in their DNA chain that help melanocytes absorb amino acids so that melanosomes can transform the CO2 absorbed by melanocytes into pigmented melanin. They must also have sequences in their chromosomes to absorb proteins to empty melanocytes of oxygen and hydrogen, at which point amino acids enter melanosomes. If oxygen and hydrogen are not released, the amino acids will not enter the melanosome.

What can happen to have white hair or gray hair is from several points of view.

The liver transforms sugars into triglycerides in order to eliminate them, lower blood sugar and provide blood CO2 levels.

These triglycerides or fats end up in the lung to be digested and the chromosomes of the lung have sequences in their DNA that dissolve the triglycerides in CO2 to send them to the blood and these levels of CO2 in the blood are controlled by the DNA sequences of chromosomes, which regulate the amounts of oxygen and CO2.

This CO2 ends up in the melanocytes, certain doses and other doses of CO2 are expelled and the one that remains in the blood is absorbed by the melanocytes for the melanosomes, which capture amino acids. This CO2 is absorbed by the DNA thread of the melanocyte chromosomes and if the CO2 is packed in many particles together, this CO2 does not enter through the chromosome thread, so the CO2 has to be very divided and in very small particles. The chromosome thread is like the artery of DNA and if that artery gets blocked, the melanosomes are left without CO2 to pigment.

To understand the chromosomes and this chromosome thread, it works as an artery and nerve of the cell and transports gases or water, and the flow of the types of gases, such as oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine, or water with gases, are activated by genes of the DNA of the chromosome and these genes form like traffic lights and valves for the different types of gases. These DNA threads of chromosomes only transport gases or water, not molecules, and they use them to digest molecules in the digestive apparatus of the cell, the Golgi apparatus. When the cell has to digest molecules, the DNA thread of the chromosome transports water with gaseous substances such as chlorine for digestion and when the digestive process is finished, this thread is filled with oxygen to form CO2, but it may happen that it is not filled with oxygen and does not form CO2, due to defects in other chromosomes that must be corrected and it may also happen that the earth’s atmosphere does not dry out from humidity, due to its immense capacity for water, which may be an excess that hinders the formation of oxygen in the DNA thread of chromosomes and this gives rise to a half-finished digestive process that does not allow CO2 to be formed or essential mineral components such as calcium to be absorbed, because the cell is not able to eliminate water from the atmosphere or chromosome thread to finish the digestive process and this translates into less CO2 for hair color.

As the years go by and in old age, the effect of viruses lengthens chromosomes a lot and the telomere or chromosome thread no longer lengthens because it can no longer cope with the gas flow to metabolize all the molecules that the cell feeds on, due to chromosome proteins, which lengthened to adapt to atmospheric changes. It could be said that the rotation of the earth and its atmospheric changes make changes in chromosomes. The chromosome thread is recovered a little with chlorine in the water, which circulates in the chromosomes, but it can give rise to a greater number of chromosomes, which can cause respiratory failure in old age. To solve this, it is necessary to reduce the number of proteins in cell chromosomes.

In this case of old age, due to the viral effect, it can happen that the earth’s atmosphere runs out of gaseous resources or the resources become packed and are not able to be released.

To correct this case, for example, lung cells that contain triglycerides, their chromosomes have to contain proteins that unpack the CO2 particles that are stuck together and do not enter through the hole in the chromosome thread of the melanocytes after being absorbed by the blood. That is why it is essential that the CO2 particle is only one and not many, since they have to be extremely tiny to enter through the hole in the chromosome thread.

If CO2 begins to circulate through the chromosome thread of the melanocyte, the melanosome is loaded with carbon with a specific weight and begins to digest cholesterol in the blood or venous arteries, releasing hydrogen for the melanocytes to absorb through the responsible chromosome thread for the second melanosome process. This effect reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when cells or melanocytes absorb gases that are not blocked by the thyroid, these cells rise a lot in the atmosphere and block the metabolism of the melanosome. That is why the metabolism of amino acids and CO2 in melanocytes is to absorb proteins to empty the melanocyte of oxygen and hydrogen, so that the melanosome at mid-atmospheric height can do its function, but there may be another type of unidentified gas that was not blocked by the thyroid and causes excessive elevation, as if it were a balloon in the atmosphere, where it is located and does not find resources for its function.

One theory as to why hair is white could be due to melanosomes and their representation on Earth, and it has to do with the Earth’s magma. The melanosomes form minerals or melamine and the Earth’s core heats up, dissolving minerals that release gases into the atmosphere. When we lose melanin from our skin because it falls, it ends up in the Earth and the Earth cools until the magma heats up again. White hair could be rock, until the rock melts in the magma and the formation of diamonds or precious stones, or melanin could be when that rock in the magma loses gases into the atmosphere. It could also happen that the atmosphere is under a lot of pressure or load, which can make it difficult for the Earth to heat up.