THC. Why does it give me tachycardia?
THC is a substance that removes fat from the blood and this involves the release of gases such as oxygen or hydrogen, plus hydrogen, into… Read More »THC. Why does it give me tachycardia?
THC is a substance that removes fat from the blood and this involves the release of gases such as oxygen or hydrogen, plus hydrogen, into… Read More »THC. Why does it give me tachycardia?
Updated 08/12/2024 Blood contains fats and sugars to separate gases from water for the muscles. Muscles do not feed on fats or sugars, but on… Read More »Liver and kidney for fats and sugars.
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Updated 05/12/2024 This article is a bit dedicated to older people. When our body increases the amount of protein, due to diet or viral infections,… Read More »A small map of our body’s DNA for elderly people.
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Updated 05/12/2024 Bones are mainly made up of protein and calcium. Breast milk may contain mainly protein for the development of bone cells as it… Read More »Bones and pain, due to viral infections.
Updated 11/24/2024 The body has many types of cells, but the main ones that help form storms are the following. The muscle has two types… Read More »How a storm or low pressure is formed with the help of the synchronization of three types of cells.
Updated 11/23/2024 Viruses, such as phages, can be of great help to leukocytes in defending themselves from bacteria. It could be said that bacteria are… Read More »Viruses and bacteria and leukocytes.
It could be said that a muscle is divided into cells that absorb oxygen and other cells that absorb hydrogen to create the magnetic field… Read More »Nerve endings, muscles and disability. Formation of water in the exosphere.